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Programul de back-office Sedona Retail se poate folosi independent sau conectat la:
magazin online (cu platforma Magento, Prestashop sau altele)
aplicatia Sedona POS pentru Android si iOS
modul de front-office Sedona Retail pentru Windows
Pentru detalii sau pentru a comanda varianta completa a programului Sedona Retail (front-office + back-office) click aici.
Acest modul software indeplineste urmatoarele functionalitati necesare comerciantilor:
Administrare articole, clienti, furnizori, gestiuni
Gestiunea stocurilor
Contabilitate primara
Rapoarte de vanzari si management
Facturare din back-office
Fidelizare clienti
Tiparire etichete
Sunati chiar acum la 021-3278727 pentru a testa 30 de zile Sedona Retail -cel mai prietenos program de gestiune. Datele introduse in perioada de proba se pastreaza dupa cumparare sau se pot exporta.
Preluam gratuit baza de date in cazul schimbarii programului de gestiune (catalog produse, clienti, furnizori).
Interfata de vanzare pe casa de marcat si facturare. Interfata de vanzare are functionalitati elementare. Pentru functionalitati complete, va recomandam achizitionarea Sedona Retail Front-Office sau a aplicatiei de mobil Sedona POS.
Rapoarte predefinite cu interpretare grafica, pentru aflarea rapida a informatiilor esentiale.
Personalizare rapoarte noi, cu ajutorul consultantilor Sedona, sau fara.
Toate documentele de contabilitate primara: registru de casa, jurnale cumparari/vanzari, fisa de magazie, fisa de inventariere, s.a.
Gestiuni multiple; transfer de stocuri intre gestiuni sau intre puncte de lucru.
Alarme stoc minim si epuizare stoc.
Evidenta monetar.
Imprimare etichete de raft si etichete pentru produse in multiple formate.
Modul Prestashop pentru sincronizarea stocurilor si catalogului de produse cu magazinul online.
Pentru mai multe detalii accesati site-ul
Pretul reprezinta licenta definitiva (fara taxe anuale) per calculator.
- Remote installation and training
- 30 Days Free Support. Optional service contract available.
- Data import of product catalog
- Data export to other accounting software or ERP in standard format. Optionally, custom integrations with Saga, Navision or other programs.
- App for reports on mobile devices
- Report customization – free within the first 30 days
- Document customization (invoices, notes of delivery) - free within the first 30 days
- Label forms customization – free within the first 30 days
- Design of fidelity cards
Since 2002, thousands of companies from Romania and abroad have chosen Sedona.
Our fiscal equipment, accessories and consumables portfolio can be adapted to any type of business. The Sedona specialists are there for you every step of the way!
To be informed about the latest news in the field subscribe here:
Copyright and intellectual property rights
All the images and texts contained in the website are the propriety of S.C. SEDONA ALM and are protected by the Romanian copyright law.
The users of this website can access the content previously mentioned for personal use. The reproduction, copying, multiplication, selling or using this content without prior consent of S.C. SEDONA ALM, owner of the website, break the current copyright and intellectual property laws in Romania; therefore, such actions will imply civil or penal liability.
Sedona`s working schedule on the 24th January - Romanian Unification
Bucharest headquarters: 9:00 - 18:00 (Normal schedule)
Constanta headquarters: Closed
Service staff is reduced, which could result in a longer response time by phone.
Thank You