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Cu Office 365 Business beneficiati de suita de programe Microsoft pe baza de abonament, usurand astfel bugetul de investitii.
Acest pachet de servicii a fost conceput pentru afaceri mici si mijlocii. Puteti descarca aplicatiile pe un numar de pana la 5 dispozitive, incluzand orice combinatie de: PC, Mac, tableta si telefon (Android sau iOS).
In cazul platii cu cardul, puteti opta pentru retragere automata a contravalorii abonamentului la fiecare 6 luni, eliminand astfel riscul intreruperilor.
Pachetul Office 365 Business contine:
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft OneNote
Microsoft Publisher
OneDrive - Spatiu de stocare fisiere 1TB
De asemenea, beneficiati de urmatoarele servicii:
Acces permanet la actualizari
24/7 suport pentru situatii de tip business critical - de la Microsoft
Service level agreement 99.9%
Integrare cu Active Directory
Activarea serviciului se face in baza unei adrese de email. O puteti comunica in campul de comentarii la comanda sau atunci cand veti fi contactat de reprezentantii Sedona.
Se pot adauga utilizatori suplimentari la acelasi cont pentru impartasirea fisierelor si factura unica.
Acest produs este destinat doar persoanelor juridice.
Since 2002, thousands of companies from Romania and abroad have chosen Sedona.
Our fiscal equipment, accessories and consumables portfolio can be adapted to any type of business. The Sedona specialists are there for you every step of the way!
To be informed about the latest news in the field subscribe here:
Copyright and intellectual property rights
All the images and texts contained in the website are the propriety of S.C. SEDONA ALM and are protected by the Romanian copyright law.
The users of this website can access the content previously mentioned for personal use. The reproduction, copying, multiplication, selling or using this content without prior consent of S.C. SEDONA ALM, owner of the website, break the current copyright and intellectual property laws in Romania; therefore, such actions will imply civil or penal liability.
Sedona`s working schedule on the 24th January - Romanian Unification
Bucharest headquarters: 9:00 - 18:00 (Normal schedule)
Constanta headquarters: Closed
Service staff is reduced, which could result in a longer response time by phone.
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