According to the HG 84 of 2013, which has recently entered into force, the tax receipts of up to 100 Euros can be settled in the accounting if they have entered the tax code of the buyer.
How can the buyer's tax code be written off?
In the case of fiscal printers and cash registers running from a computer or POS, the introduction of the fiscal code is made from the software application. So it is necessary to contact the sales application provider for the update and for instructions on how to use the new functionality.
Of the programs marketed by Sedona, at this point the Facturis program has already been updated, and the update can be made from the application itself. The possibility of introducing the tax code on vouchers and other software applications will soon be implemented.
In the case of independently used (non-computer) cash registers, the availability of functionality and the procedure for entering the fiscal code must be found for each model.
Of the cash registers sold by Sedona, we can confirm the possibility of introducing the tax code for all Datecs, Partner and Orgtech models. The way of introduction differs from model to model. To receive written or phone instructions for your model, please contact us.
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