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Casa de marcat cu jurnal electronic, model 2018, avizata conform normelor legislative in vigoare.
Ecran cu 7 randuri; tastatura solida cu 48 taste; 36 articole PLU cu apelare rapida.
Un port LAN + 1 port mini USB + 2 porturi seriale. Modem de comunicatie incorporat.
Bluetooth optional. Acumulator optional.
Se pot conecta cititoare de coduri de bare prin portul RS232, insa acestea necesita alimentare separata.
Casa de marcat cu kit bluetooth incorporat permite conectarea cititoarelor de coduri de bare cu bluetooth.
Foloseste role de hartie cu latime de 58mm si 40 m lungime (diametru 50 mm).
- Alimentator DC 9V / 5A, intrare 100-240V 50-60Hz;
- Optional acumulatorLi-Ion 7,4V 2000mA/h
Permite montarea unui acumulator de la un alt model de casa de marcat Datecs (precum DP50, DP05, DP25).
Interfete de conectare:
- 1 x LAN (RJ45);
- 1 x mini USB
- 1 x sertar de bani (RJ45)
- 1 x RS232C pt. PC, cantar sau alte periferice
- Modem GSM / GPRS incorporat;
- Optional: Bluetooth.
Posibilitate conectare la dispozitiv Datecs de acceptare plata cu card.
Comunicarea cu РС permite:
- Programarea, citirea si emitererea de rapoarte din baza de date a articolelor;
- Configurarea parametrilor AMEF;
- Emiterea de bonuri fiscale, rapoarte de inchidere precum si emiterea de documente nefiscale (precum facturi).
Consumabile: hartie termicacu latime de 57 mm, grosime de la 60 la 72 µm, diametrul rolei pana la 50 mm (40m lungime).
Denumire articole PLU cu pana la 72 de caractere. Caractere per linie: 32 sau 42.
Imprimare grafica: logo grafic sau coduri de bare, cu dimensiune 384 х 96 dots (max. 384 x 336 dots).
Tastatura in limba romana.
Meniu prietenos, in limba romana.
Memorie de articole: 100 000
Tipuri de taxe: 5 cote TVA programabile; 1 x Scutit TVA; 1 x Alte Taxe
Departamente: Pana la 99
Nr. operatori: 30
Forme de plata:
- Numerar (implicit);
- Avans in numerar (cash back);
- Card;
- Voucher;
- Credit;
- Tichete cadou;
- Tichete de masa;
- Altele programabile.
Jurnal electronic: Da - 16GB microSD card (capacitate microSD card suportata pana la 32GB)
Memoria fiscala: Non-volatila, 2500 rapoarte de inchidere zilnica
Modul Criptografic: EAL 5+
Semnatura Electronica: X.509.V3, RSA 2048 biti
Tipuri de coduri de bare tiparite: EAN8, EAN13, Code128, interleaved 2of5, QR code.
Viteza de Tiparire: 12 linii / secunda.
Imprimanta termica: Seiko LTP01-245-05 sau EPSON M-T173V
Ecran Operator: LCD grafic, 7 linii x 30 caractere
Ecran Client: LCD grafic, 2 linii x 22 caractere
Tastatura: 48 taste
Baterie interna pentru ceas si calendar asigura functionarea pentru 90 zile dupa deconectarea de la sursa de curent
Temperatura de Operare si Umiditate - De la -10 C pana la +40 C / Umiditatea relativa fara condens 40-80%
Dimensiuni: 234 (l) x 215 (L) x 73 (H) mm
Greutate: 1 kg (cu rola de hartie inclusa)
Culoare carcasa: neagra sau alba. Pt. a verifica varianta de culoare disponibila in stoc va rugam sa ne contactati.
Pretul include: Carte de interventii, Registru special, alimentator, cablu de conectare RS232.
Accesorii optionale: cablu de conectare USB; cablu de conectare Ethernet; memory stick miniUSB (pt. jurnal electronic).
Placutele obligatorii “Pastrati bonul” si “Protectia consumatorului” se livreaza gratuit daca sunt solicitate.
Fabricata in Bulgaria
- Free delivery in all the main towns in Romania;
- Taxation (commissioning by a technician + user training);
- Free plaques with mandatory messages "Keep the tax receipt" and "InfoCons".
- It is delivered with intervention book, special register, power supply.
- No travel included (interventions from a distance or via express courier): 200 Lei / 12 months.
- With trips included in the Municipality of Bucharest and Municipality of Constanta: 39 Lei / 1 month. It is billed for a minimum of 3 months. After 5 months paid in advance, the 6th is Free.
- With trips included in Ilfov county and Constanta county: 49 Lei / 1 month. It is billed for a minimum of 3 months. After 5 months paid in advance, the 6th is Free.
- Submission of form C801 to obtain NUI certificate: 80 Lei
- Fiscal declaration at ANAF: 180 lei - service available only for the Municipality of Bucharest and Municipality of Constanta
- Communication module maintenance contract with ANAF: 120 Lei / year
- Sed Print driver for connecting to the computer: 150 Lei – Download here
For the fiscalization steps and the necessary requests, CLICK HERE
For video instructions for use CLICK HERE
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All the images and texts contained in the website are the propriety of S.C. SEDONA ALM and are protected by the Romanian copyright law.
The users of this website can access the content previously mentioned for personal use. The reproduction, copying, multiplication, selling or using this content without prior consent of S.C. SEDONA ALM, owner of the website, break the current copyright and intellectual property laws in Romania; therefore, such actions will imply civil or penal liability.
Sedona`s working schedule on the 24th January - Romanian Unification
Bucharest headquarters: 9:00 - 18:00 (Normal schedule)
Constanta headquarters: Closed
Service staff is reduced, which could result in a longer response time by phone.
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