For companies that use occasionally money counting machines and for those who use them extensively, we offer a wide range of devices whose reliability has been proven over time. Depending on your requirements, you can choose counting machines equipped with counterfeit detectors. We also offer maintenance and repair services for banknote counting machines.
Free delivery from stock.
Complete range, with models exclusive to Sedona. Manual opening (key/button/press) or automatic (electric) opening from the cash register / POS system. All models are made of metal, with flaps tested for 1 million uses. Optional, mounting kit under the table.
Metal kit for mounting under the counter of the cash drawer. Available in two variants: 1. For large drawers (Compatible with Large and Extra large money drawer models.) 2. For...
Dimensions: width 300 mm, length 360 mm, height 80 mm 3 compartments with a flap for banknotes, 4 compartments for coins. Width of the space for banknotes: 84 mm. Available...
Se incadreaza in spatii inguste. Deschidere manuala si electrica din casa de marcat. 4 compatimente pentru bancnote si 8 compartimente pentru monezi. Dimensiuni: latime 255...
Dimensions: width 350 mm, length 410 mm, height 90 mm 4 compartments with a flap for banknotes, 8 compartments for coins. Width of the space for banknotes: 71 mm. Available...
Medium size SN money drawer. It is provided with a resistant steel case and has 4 compartments for banknotes and 8 compartments for coins. Features: Dimensions: 350W x 405D x...
Dimensions: width 350 mm, length 410 mm, height 90 mm 4 compartments with a flap for banknotes, 8 compartments for coins. Width of the space for banknotes: 71 mm. Available...
Dimensions: width 420 mm, length 440 mm, height 100 mm 4 compartments for banknotes, 8 compartments for coins. Available colors: - white - black - default delivery option...
Dimensions: width 410 mm, length 420 mm, height 100 mm 4 compartments for banknotes, 8 compartments for coins. Available colors: - black - default delivery option It does...
Dimensions: width 410 mm, length 420 mm, height 100 mm Available in two partitioning options: - 4 compartments with a flap for banknotes, 8 compartments for coins Width of...
Dimensions: width 420 mm, length 440 mm, height 100 mm Available colors: - black - default delivery option - white Electric opening (from the cash register or POS). 3...
Dimensions: width 420 mm, length 440 mm, height 100 mm Available in two partitioning options: - 4 compartments with a flap for banknotes, 8 compartments for coins;...
Dimensions: width 460 mm, length 170 mm, height 100 mm The entire interior (with all compartments) is removable from the box, can be locked separately and is easily...
Foarte rezistent, recomanda casieriilor cu traffic intens. Se incadreaza in spatii dificile datorita constructiei pe latime si inaltime. Face parte din clasa “high-end” avand...
Since 2002, thousands of companies from Romania and abroad have chosen Sedona.
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Sedona`s working schedule on the 24th January - Romanian Unification
Bucharest headquarters: 9:00 - 18:00 (Normal schedule)
Constanta headquarters: Closed
Service staff is reduced, which could result in a longer response time by phone.
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