Cele doua tuburi cu care este dotat aparatul permit vizualizarea mai usoara a insemnelor UV. Verificare bancnote pe baza expunerii la lumină UV Dotat cu doua tuburi UV (6W) de...
Detector manual multifunctional, dotat cu lumina UV, lumina alba, cap magnetic.Dotat cu doua tuburi UV de inalta calitate, cu putere de 6W fiecare. Lumina alba pentru...
Detector manual multifunctional, dotat cu lumina UV, lumina alba, cap magnetic, lupa. Dotat cu doua tuburi UV de inalta calitate, cu putere de 6W fiecare. Lumina alba pentru...
Counting machines suitable for low volume counting. Ideal for offices, shops, restaurants. Equipped with UV detection sensor. Counting Speed: ≥850notes per min.. Countable...
Recomandata pentru unitati comerciale de dimensiuni medii. Este dotata cu urmatoarele tipuri de detectie a bancnotelor:- Dimensionala pe latime - Detectie cu ultraviolete...
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Sedona`s working schedule on the 24th January - Romanian Unification
Bucharest headquarters: 9:00 - 18:00 (Normal schedule)
Constanta headquarters: Closed
Service staff is reduced, which could result in a longer response time by phone.
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