Fiscal machine dedicated to vending machines authorized according to the legislation in force. Fiscal services included (fiscal memory activation). Data SIM for ANAF connection...
BluePad-5000 is our desktop mobile payment terminal. It accepts all forms of payment: Magnetic stripe, EMV Chip&PIN and Contactless cards and includes a printer to...
Casa de marcat compacta, cu jurnal electronic, model 2018, avizata conform normelor legislative in vigoare. Conectivitate: 1 x mini USB; 1 x RS232C; 1 x LAN; model GSM...
The printer supports Bluetooth communication. It can have also a magnetic stripe reader for operator identifications. CMP-10 also has a high capacity battery pack which allows...
BluePad-55 is a terminal for bank pinpad payments, equipped with Bluetooth for all types of card payment - magnetic strip, EMV Chip&PIN and contactless. CPU: Secure ARM...
BluePad-5000 is our desktop mobile payment terminal. It accepts all forms of payment: Magnetic stripe, EMV Chip&PIN and Contactless cards and includes a printer to...
Casa de marcat ce poate fi folosita portabil sau stationar, model 2018, avizata conform normelor legislative in vigoare. 3 porturi mini USB pt. conectare la PC, sertar de bani,...
Casa de marcat cu jurnal electronic, model 2018, avizata conform normelor legislative in vigoare. Un port LAN + 4 porturi seriale pt. conectare la: PC, sertar de bani, cititor...
Conectare Bluetooth® la dispozitive iOS, Android si Windows. Una din cele mai mici si usoare imprimante din lume. Foloseste hartie de 57mm latime. Tip imprimare: termica...
Conectare Bluetooth®. Foloseste hartie de 79mm latime. Tip imprimare: termica Viteza de printare: 60 mm/sec. Rezolutie 203 dpi Foloseste role de 79 mm sau 57mm latime x 50...
Casa de marcat cu jurnal electronic, model 2018, avizata conform normelor legislative in vigoare. Ecran cu 7 randuri; tastatura solida cu 48 taste; 36 articole PLU cu apelare...
Conectare directa la iPhone, iPod, BlackBerry. Imprimanta impreuna cu terminalul devin un singur echipament. Cititor coduri de bare 1D sau 2D incorporat. Tip imprimare:...
The BlueCash 50 all-in-one mini-system brings an unparalleled experience in the sales process due to its small size and battery life, having practically everything on one...
DATECS DPP-450 is a mobile ESC/POS and LABEL thermal printer. It can be used in dynamic working conditions and its abundant built-in features allow it to be widely used for...
Complete solution for issuing tax receipts and cashing with the card. Ideal for both on-the-go and in-store sales. Allows connection to any existing bank account (opened at a...
BL 112 BT is a mobile ESC/POS and LABEL thermal printer. Number of dots: 832dots Resolution: 203 DPI Printing/Paper width: 104mm/112mm Character set: Katakana. PC437,...
Lightweight and compact, the FMP-350 printer works connected to Android phones and tablets, through the AndroidDude ver 2.2.3 application. The printer allows the use of 80 mm...
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Sedona`s working schedule on the 24th January - Romanian Unification
Bucharest headquarters: 9:00 - 18:00 (Normal schedule)
Constanta headquarters: Closed
Service staff is reduced, which could result in a longer response time by phone.
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