We travel to clients' headquarters and provide technical support and assistance with bureaucratic processes.
Download the documentation and additional information you need or contact
Step-by-step video explanations about fiscal equipment and management programs.
We are available 24/24 on the technical support platform.
Compania noastra e activa aproape non-stop, ceea ce inseamna ca folosim echipamentele fiscale la capacitate maxima, cat si cantitati insemnate de consumabile. Lucram cu Sedona de mai bine de 5 ani si stim ca la ei gasim cele mai accesibile role de hartie, care, impreuna cu sistemul POS, ne permit sa fim rentabili. Trei motive pentru care aleg mereu Sedona: diversitatea produselor, promptitudine in livrare si profesionalism.
Pentru un salon de infrumusetare a carui activitate include si vanzarea de produse cosmetice, am considerat ca este nevoie de o solutie integrata de gestiune fiscala. Este motivul pentru care am ales Sedona, care ne-a ajutat nu doar cu alegerea si punerea in functiune a casei de marcat, ci si cu un soft creat pentru optimizarea vanzarilor si realizarea contabilitatii primare.
Am fost placut surprinsi sa gasim aplicatii de retail care pot fi folosite cu succes pe tablete si telefoane. Astfel, am testat aplicatia Sedona POS pe mai multe dispozitive si am decis sa o alegem, Sedona fiind printre primii furnizori din Romania cu aceasta initiativa. Acum vindem direct de pe tableta cu conectarea wireless a echipamentului fiscal si putem accesa rapoartele de care avem nevoie oriunde. Suntem incantati de colaborarea cu Sedona si ii recomandam cu incredere celor care vor o solutie moderna si eficienta.
Since 2002, thousands of companies from Romania and abroad have chosen Sedona.
Our fiscal equipment, accessories and consumables portfolio can be adapted to any type of business. The Sedona specialists are there for you every step of the way!
To be informed about the latest news in the field subscribe here:
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All the images and texts contained in the www.aparaturafiscala.ro website are the propriety of S.C. SEDONA ALM and are protected by the Romanian copyright law.
The users of this website can access the content previously mentioned for personal use. The reproduction, copying, multiplication, selling or using this content without prior consent of S.C. SEDONA ALM, owner of the www.aparaturafiscala.ro website, break the current copyright and intellectual property laws in Romania; therefore, such actions will imply civil or penal liability.
Sedona`s working schedule on the 24th January - Romanian Unification
Bucharest headquarters: 9:00 - 18:00 (Normal schedule)
Constanta headquarters: Closed
Service staff is reduced, which could result in a longer response time by phone.
Thank You