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Acum puteti comanda casa de marcat sau alte produse platind cu cardul direct pe site

Data publicare articol: 22-06-2012

Now, the only fiscal solution portal in Romania where you can pay by credit card is available: You can easily pay your fiscal machines and software needed by your business, without any additional commissions.


Use any cards VISA, VISA ELECTRON, MASTER CARD and MAESTRO to pay via secured transactions supported by Raiffeisen Bank and


Please take note: when buying fiscal machines (cash registers and fiscal printers), you need to use a credit card owned by beneficiary company; this is required by DGFP in order to approve your file submission. For any other acquisitions (POS-s, monitors, scales, peripherals, software, etc.) you can use personal credit cards.


Foy more information about how to pay with credit card or other methods of payment, please click here.

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