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Frequently Asked Questions

+ What categories of businesses are bound by law to have a cash register?

Use of cash registers is mandatory for most businesses collecting cash from individuals. There are, however, some exceptions: farmers, sale of newspapers and magazines, vendor machines. Please contact us to have a confirmation of such obligation for your business.

+ Does the fiscalization of the cash registers depend on the location of the registered office or of the business unit?

Fiscalization of the cash register begins with submitting a file to the Directorate General of Public Finance having jurisdiction over the business unit (not the registered office). For example, if a company has its registered office in Brasov and opens a business unit in Ilfov county, the fiscalization file of the cash register shall be submitted to D.G.F.P. Ilfov. SEDONA takes care, free of charge, of the file preparation and submission, provided that the business unit where the cash register is to be used is located in Bucharest, Ilfov county or Constanta county.

+ How long does it take to have the cash register fiscalized?

The length of the fiscalization process for a cash register depends first of all on the time the Directorate General of Public Finance needs to issue the Certificate with the order number of the cash register. This term is maximum 5 business days. Once the Certificate obtained, a service technician commissions the cash register (an operation which takes approximately one hour). You need to schedule an appointment one day in advance for a technician to come to your office.

+ What documents are necessary to buy and fiscalize a cash register?

- Copy of C.U.I. (Company’s Incorporation Certificate);
- Copy of C.I.F. (Fiscal Registration Certificate) - for VAT payers;
- Copy of the proof of the business unit where the cash register is to be used (only if different from the registered office). E.g. findings certificate, lease agreement, free use agreement, etc.;
- Copy of the legal representative’s ID;
- Copy of the document supporting the fact that the representative holds a certain position in the company (copy of the Deed of Establishment or copy of the Labor Agreement) - only for City of Bucharest.

The stamp is also needed to fill-in a standard application.

The Download page, Section “Useful forms”, contains the complete procedure, with all the steps to be taken to have a cash register commissioned. For additional details, do not hesitate to contact us.

+ What documents are required to fiscalize a cash register for PEDLARY?

- Copy of C.U.I. (Company’s Incorporation Certificate);
- Copy of C.I.F. (Fiscal Registration Certificate) - for VAT payers;
- Copy of the Deed of Establishment indicating a CAEN code allowing pedlary (sale in fairs and exhibitions);
- Copy of the legal representative’s ID;
- Copy of the document supporting the fact that the representative holds a certain position in the company (copy of the Deed of Establishment or copy of the Labor Agreement) - only for City of Bucharest.
The stamp is also needed to fill-in a standard application.

The Download page, Section “Useful forms”, contains the complete procedure, with all the steps to be taken to have a cash register commissioned.

+ Which are the relevant criteria to select a cash register?

We recommend you to take the following into account when making your choice of a cash register:
- the estimate volume of receipts. In case of heavy customer traffic, we recommend a large size cash register, with a large and solid keyboard or the use of a fiscal printer.
- peripherals connected to the cash register. You should take into account the need to connect certain peripherals (such as cash drawers, barcode readers, scale, additional customer display, a.s.o.) to the cash register (from the very beginning or in the future). Certain models do not allow connection of such peripherals.
- compatibility with the software. When using the cash register connected to a computer as fiscal printer, you should check it for compatibility with the software to be used.
- paper roll. You should be concerned about how easy the paper roll is change and the maximum length of the rolls (to keep the feeding frequency low).

+ What should I do if the cash register gets stolen or destroyed?

- Report it to the Police
- Your are allowed to operate as such for 15 days, recording sales in a Special Register, until a new machine is purchased (or the old one is recovered)
- Cancel the order number issued by DGFP using the Police Report.

+ What happens with the cash register when closing down the business unit?

You have the obligation to defiscalize the fiscal machine within maximum 30 days since the closing-down of the business unit. Defiscalization is a two-stage process:
1. Delivery of the fiscal memory to the Financial Administration where it was initially registered (having jurisdiction over the business unit). Extraction of the fiscal memory from the machine is done by a servicing technician, attended by an inspector. Attention! Most of the Financial Administrations require prior scheduling of the appointment.
If you concluded a servicing agreement with SEDONA which is still in progress, delivery of the fiscal memory is a service we provide you with free of charge.
2. Cancellation of the assigned order number with the Directorate General of Public Finance.

+ May the cash register be reused by another company?

Yes, it may. The cash register may be reused by another company, but only after delivery of the fiscal memory. In a nutshell, the steps are as follows:
- Defiscalization of the cash register (delivery of the fiscal memory to the Financial Administration)
- Accounting transfer from one company to another, done by a company authorized to sell the concerned machine
- Installation of a new fiscal memory and repeating the fiscalization steps, as for any new machine.

+ Can SEDONA purchase a used cash register?

Yes, it can. We also offer a buy-back service with payment upon delivery available for all models of cash registers included in our current offering. Please contact us for a price quotation. The cash register can only be sold after delivery of the fiscal memory to the Financial Administration. Consequently, the value of the cash register is reduced by its wear and tear and any key part missing.

+ What happens with the cash register when the operation of a company is suspended for a period of time?

In case of a temporary suspension of the activity of a business unit, informing the fiscal body thereof is sufficient and no special operation concerning the cash register is required. Once the activity has been resumed, the machine is commissioned without additional formalities.

+ Which are the situations when the fiscal memory NEEDS TO BE REPLACED in the Financial Administration?

- the name of the company changes
- the Sole Registration Code changes
- the address where the cash register is used changes
- defects or the fiscal memory is full

+ Does the fiscal memory need to be replaced when the registered office or the company's Directors change?

It is not necessary, unless the fiscal machine is used in the registered office.

+ Which are the situations when the fiscal memory DOESN'T have to be replaced?

Art. 71. - Replacement of the fiscal memory of the electronic fiscal cash registers installed is not mandatory, and they can be used until such memory is full, in the following cases: a) the fiscal attribute changes; b) the legal status of the company changes, but its name doesn't; c) the cash register is moved from one business unit to another business unit, within the same shopping center, located at the same address; d) the name of the streets where the place of installation is located changes; e) temporary inactivity of the users, reported to the fiscal bodies pursuant to the law.

+ How can the documents of the cash registered be recovered if lost?

To obtain duplicates of the cash register's documents, one should cover the following steps:
- announcement in a newspaper, including all the data of the company (name, CUI, address) and of the machine (name, model/type, series);
- the fiscalization statement and a new set of books (Intervention Book and Special Register) can be obtained from the company that fiscalized the machine;
- the duplicate of the order number is obtained from the Directorate General of Public Finance after submitting a file containing, among others, the aforementioned documents;
- registration of the new books of the machine with the Financial Administration having jurisdiction over the business unit.

+ How can a fiscal receipt be cancelled?

According to the law, the cash registers and fiscal printers in Romania cannot issue receipts with negative values. Cancellation of a fiscal receipt can only be done in the accounting books based on filling-in and submitting a Statement.
The Download page, Section “Forms and procedures for cash registers” contains a template of protocol for cancellation of a fiscal receipt.

+ Is the servicing agreement mandatory?

According to the law, a servicing agreement with an authorized unit is mandatory after the expiry of the warranty period. The absence of such a servicing agreement is deemed absence of the cash register.
Art. 107.- (4) The express or tacit refusal of the user to conclude servicing agreements for the post-warranty period is deemed voluntary surrender of the said electronic fiscal cash register and stands for a decision to purchase a new type of machine.
We recommend you to execute such a servicing agreement as far back as the warranty period as it would secure smooth operation of your store, without of any potential interruptions caused by the cash register.
Visit the “Information” page, Section “Servicing Agreements”, to learn all about the advantages of executing a maintenance agreement.

+ Where can consumables be bought from?

Art. 72. - (1) Users can buy consumables for the electronic fiscal cash registers from any manufacturer, importer or seller of such products, subject however to complying with the provisions of Art. 4 par. (6) and (9) of the Urgency Ordinance.
When buying paper rolls for the fiscal machines, the law provides for the obligation to conclude a Purchase and Sale Agreement, containing certain very specific quality requirements.
SEDONA guarantees the quality of the rolls sold, in accordance with the legal provisions. Delivery of the consumables is free of charge for our partners under servicing agreements.

+ What is the difference between a cash register and a fiscal printer?

The cash register can be used both connected to a computer (with any compatible sale and management software), as well as independently. Fiscal printers can only be used connected to a computer and are sold together with a customer display and a software. Fiscal printers offer certain technical advantages compared to the cash registers: are equipped with an auto-cutter, have large-size customer display, use wider paper rolls which accommodate printing of more information, etc.

+ Can several Z reports be issued in the same day?

Yes, they can. Issuance of several Z reports is permitted in certain circumstances. There are cases when issuance of several Z reports is necessary, such as: defects, failure to issue the Z report in the end of the previous day, the electronic logs got full (in case of cash registers provided with electronic log function).

+ Do I have to close the store when the cash register breaks down?

No, you don't. You can continue selling until the cash register is fixed, provided that you record all your sales in a Special Register. Once the operation of the cash register is resumed, you have to issue fiscal receipts for all the sales recorded in the Special Register. You have to give the Intervention Book to the servicing technicians to record the break down.

+ How can PLU articles be programmed?

The most convenient solution to edit PLU articles is to conclude a servicing agreement and call a technician whenever changes occur (new article or changes to the old article). In absence of such a servicing agreement, you can proceed as follows:
- manual programming of every article, following the instructions in the user manual. If needed, you can call the surcharge number made available by SEDONA.
- use of a software to edit the PLU articles. Such applications are available for most cash register models, on payment.

+ How are the returned products or packages registered?

You have to set-up a file with the following documents:
- Reception and difference finding note, code 14-3-1A, drafted based on the fiscal receipt issued for the relevant product
- Payment-collection order to the pay office, code 14-4-4
- Invoice or return fiscal invoice (as the case may be).
The return of the reusable packaging, whose value is included in the price of the product sold, can be indicated before finalizing the fiscal receipt, by writing down the relevant amount with a negative value and indicating “reusable packaging”.

+ How detailed the articles' names should be programmed?

According to the law, the receipts must contain the name, as detailed as possible, of the products or services. Consequently, generic names, such as "cigarettes", "vegetables", "clothing" are not accepted.

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