Microsif – Cel mai mic pret la un cantar cu conectare la casa de marcat sau PC

It is in our benefit buing Romanian products. We proudly present a scale manufactured in Romania (by the Romanian company Microsif) that meet all standards of quality. One of the advantages of purchasing this scale is the very accessible price, being below the price of similar scales manufactured in China or Taiwan. Microsif scales are […]

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SEDONA asigura modificare GRATUITA a cotei de TVA la case de marcat si imprimante fiscale

In urma publicarii Ordonantei de Urgenta nr. 58, SEDONA asigura pentru toti clientii modificarea cotei de TVA la casele de marcat de la 19 la 24% dupa cum urmeaza: – Toti clientii care beneficiaza de un contract de service si este achitat la zi, au asigurata modificarea GRATUITA a cotei de TVA; – Clientii care nu […]

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Servicii complete pentru case de marcat si alte aparaturi: BUY-BACK si UP-GRADE

Sedona reduce the stress inevitably caused by any investment, including in the offer the following services: BUY-BACK and UP-GRADE. By BUY-BACK you have the guarantee that you do not lose the entire value of the investment if you close the business. Eliminate the effort to find buyers for such equipment which are not commodities, sell […]

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Program de facturare, emitere bonuri la casa de marcat, evidenta stocuri

Facturis is a primary accounting and sales software, intuitive, easy to use, configurable and customizable. It offers, besides printing of invoices, receipts, notices accompanying the goods and tax bills, a large number of functions to facilitate sales in your company. The software is available in 4 versions:  – EASY – Price: 75 Lei, vat included. […]

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Aures – Sisteme POS in culori personalizabile

Sedona introduce Aures technology in Romania, which revolutionize the field of POS with a new approach of design and technology. In stores and in the hospitable, Aures equipment is distinguished by elegance and technical possibilities above standards. Absolute novelty is the possibility to customize the colors of the entire line of equipment (touchscreen monitor, barcode […]

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Noile cititoare de coduri de bare Cino, tehnologie de top la preturi economice

   Sedona introduce pe piata din Romania cititoarele de coduri de bare marca Cino produse de fabrica PC Worth (Taiwan). Aceste cititoare stabilesc noi standarde in domeniu prin oferirea de inalte calitati tehnice, inovatie si design la preturi economice. Folosind sisteme optice noi de scanare confera cele mai bune rezultate din clasa lor: citire rapida, […]

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